Sunday, June 20, 2010

OPENING TO YOUR SPIRIT SELF-- What Is This Blog Really About?


Here at ABSpiritConnections, I, Alison Becker, will endeavor to share my experiences over the past 50 years on my journey to remember who and what I truly am.

By learning how to hear the voice of Spirit, I have expanded my reality to allow the magic and mystery of this existence into my every moment. It is my intention to discuss here the tools and techniques that have made such a wonderful difference in my life.

What's it all about? How do I create and manifest the joy (and stuff!) I desire? How can I communicate to be heard? Why am I here? What did I come here to do? How do I deal with relationships-- love, friends, not-friends, family, work, etc...?
These are just some of the arenas that I plan to explore.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I AM : Affirmation Cards for Spiritual Growth

I AM 36 Affirmation Card Deck Now Available.
E-mail ABSpiritConnections@gmail DOT com for more information.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Blog currently being updated, please check back again soon!